Author Archives: Clem Bur *

About Clem Bur *

het zou natuurlijk mooi zijn wanneer zijn engel Vincent de Clef ervan af kon brengen almaar over een zekere "ik" te schrijven, dat geeft maar onenigheden en verwarring en uiteindelijk vertelt toch iedereen dat zo'n ik niets voorstelt, hetgeen door de GGZ als zeer heilzaam wordt gezien. Clef denkt over zulke dingen anders, dat doet hij al erg lang...het is wellicht beter voor genodigden in de site te aanvaarden dat wij leven in een westerse samenleving waarin een goeddoortimmerd ego nog altijd op prijs wordt gesteld...ik geef toe, ik was wel eens wat door het lint, maar de weg kwijt?..../vermeldenswaard is nog dat er nooit een lege beurs is geweest op 5 2nd//wij doneren aan Nasa 1 ster en doen dat zo: |nu * || er moet meer gebruik worden gemaakt van het ster teken dan kunnen de mensen alvast wat aan zichzelf wennen.

…het meest gevreesde gebeuren ter wereld in een showcase!

….het is al langer bekend bij de gewone mensen: er gaat iets mis, er gaan dingen mis, er gaat iets goed mis, en het is te merken aan de stemming op straat en in de bus en in de supermarkt en winkeliers die klagen steen en been, reken maar dat als de middenstand gegoed of niet in beweging komt er iets gebeuren gaat in de samenleving, ‘t is gewoon zo…en met het oog op al the grote extremiteiten en poeha had ik zo bij mezelf gedacht: ik wilde wel dat ik eens iets heel lelijks kon maken, maar alle pogingen tot nu toe liepen op niets uit want ‘t meest wat ik doe komt uit mijn hart en dat is beslist een goed…

….hoe dan ook ik heb wat langer over deze tegenslag nagedacht, wie kaatst moet de bal verwachten en wie mooi wil zijn moet pijn lijden, nietwaar, en in dat verband is de Messias mij maar alvast te hulp gekomen, wat eerder dan dat voor iedereen zal zijn geschied uitzonderingen daargelaten maar men zij gewaarschuwd: zelfs een Messias heeft zo zijn streken en onverwachte luimen, hoe dan ook…ik werd ertoe gebracht op latere leeftijd cineastisch onderricht van hem te ontvangen volgens de methode Montessori, dat is een lesprogramma dat uitgaat van de mogelijkheden van het kind en niet van de onmogelijkheden, en zo heb ik mij ongemerkt door het licht van dit najaar laten inspireren en heb de camera van onder een dikke laag papieren uit een la tevoorschijn gehaald, daar lag hij feitelijk goed bewaakt want ik wist dat ik hem ooit nodig zou hebben en zo zie je maar, en ik ben in het donkere bos uitgekomen gewapend met alleen mijn camera en de ervaringen van penseel en verf en canvas, maar daar kom je in ‘t geval van een camera niet zover mee hoewel je er wel oog door hebt gekregen voor kleuren, streken, sfeer en het detail… te vaak moest ik ook immers denken ‘gelukkig de man die in God‘s aanschijn wandelt, hij slaagt in alles wat hij onderneemt’, nou ik kan jullie wel vertellen, dat is beslist niet waar en berust op een verdachte bijbelvertaling van het woord van God, dat is iets anders overigens dan die God zelf…maar ik wilde dus iets heel lelijks maken en ik heb dat onder de leiding van de zoon van de timmerman, en reken erop dat die kon timmeren, gedaan en deze wonderlijke, om niet te zeggen monsterlijke film vervaardigd en noch voor het gezichtbedrog, noch voor de camerabewegingen, noch voor de kleuren en vooral noch voor het door de hele film verschijnende witte licht acht ik mijzelf verantwoordelijk en verder was het een kwestie van de juiste knoppen vinden en daar ook op drukken… voila, de productie is zo af wat mij betreft, zie maar wat je vindt van dit voorbeeld van moderne art déco, ik geloof dat niemand ter wereld het me kan nadoen maar ja goed, of ik voor het examen thuis slagen zal is nog maar zeer de vraag, want zwarte Magica zit ook in ‘t spel en die timmerman moet het wel eens laten voor wat het is, althans zo doet hij zich dan voor, bedreven in dat spel al evenzeer, een mens zou er de rillingen van kunnen krijgen…verhuizen naar Hollywood zit er voor mij niet in, ik heb besloten aanleiding te zijn voor een originele filmkultuur van Nederlandse bodem, voor het overige, het zij me vergeven geloof ik, staatshoofden en regeringsleiders, kunstenaars en generaals der krijgsmacht, zijn dat vooral geworden omdat ze dingen vóór zich kunnen houden en dat is een feitelijk moeilijk te verteren kunst, alles went een keer, lul een end heen hoor je mij niet zeggen….

…en verder kijken jullie maar op de slechts gedeeltelijk te begrijpen technische details van:  ,petje af voor wie zo’n techniek begrijpen kan en toepassen, ik dus ook een beetje…..het heet GitHub…en het is sociaal….

Clem Burr wants to share an album in fall

English: Photobucket headquarters in Palo Alto...

English: Photobucket headquarters in Palo Alto, California. Photographed by user Coolcaesar on June 17, 2007. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

th_fallfowlfoliage09102012075_zpse8bb2be1.jpg Clem Burr (ClemBurr) wants to share an album on Photobucket with you! View nowCheck out this album on Photobucket! I must say the teachings are a joy and a concern, and just I am so occupied with I forget about myself….
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some fruits of the desert serve the table too…

SteelMaster Steel Fish Factory

SteelMaster Steel Fish Factory (Photo credit: SteelMaster Buildings)


video movie 2 = joyous account [draft]


…is it to our concern to care about the brothers of my friends it will not be my answer now to be the member of this consorts, but like we favour the concerts I must say the fame becomes too much for normal answering, forgetting about the details, looking away for the sharp eyes of critics not to my concern, I have seen them enough who come after the creativity to show their answer on the display any public shouldn’t want to have a filtering from, I just do my job, that’s now and any man’s concern, but to have felt hired in and been reproached for that, really, such an affair should we all throw over this shoulder at the right and let then do the dancing to the left leg, then the body can make the bows we all expect you put, on me the shade of such a destiny, I beg your answering, let it be, let it not be me, to look at with this telescope you have, I am just the good hearted wanderburschen I once started all this business with, and I put high weights to the memory I kept about…much will be revealed and much not said, and what rests is the heritage of heaven’s choice, I will be allocated or I will be not, I see your question and it is not apt to this I am to have my answers ready, though I cannot remember I worked in a fish factory I did the job in the blacksmith’s esteem, and got the sweat of that…



Pablo Picasso – portrait of a lady reading a letter


…we don’t need to fear for the sunshine, isn’t it true?

Attalus amictus

Attalus amictus (Photo credit: J. Coelho)


….and the lamps in the sky still burn, and the freedom of man is still consistent above the reckless answers of ignorance, it is much more I could tell on the point following the actuality of one of my concerns but I don’t do like such wouldn’t be expected neither wished for so eagerly, keeping my solutions in my wallet for a later date….it is no time to do a bombing, it is rather the right moment to gather what has been dispersed and to conceal life as it was has been a hurried up hardship to all of us…and any culture is not just about providing for solutions and making reference to traditions, a culture too preserves the energies for a change in people’s destiny, what’s more I don’t like violence myself so why would you in a shape of being ‘them’ again and fall down back yourself on buttocks which deserve a better place at this my table, la table d’hôte soit être accompli par des visages de nouveau, autrement dit: wir brauchen kein Tapetenwechsel aber Apfelstudel from our mother’s kitchen…..11134 567565  33243 ….it has not my consent to put a fire where it shall not belong, teasing down an old one smouldering lint and I just say: on an old bike you got to learn it but did you ever ask yourself for what?

…finally you get to love the streets…and the pitlids tell tyhe story of the starting point, it’s a startling view for citizens and countrymen to let their ears not be lended in not any way….

….I can just imagine every detail, such is my secret of the understanding I did get, though me sometimes too got no time to borrow all details for giving my blood to any banker’s holidays’ purpose, would this be true it wouldn’t be so far away, a concordance between two nations sent down from heavens deciding, but believe, it is still far me seems to establish yet a conference table in Jerusalem for all nations, which to my proposal will and should come once like the solution NYC cannot provide for them, believe me, the rage of Bernice and the questioning of Attalus are not over with just every time this perseverance like a white rat clicking for one solution for all and just no si solutions where are no problems, sometimes people do astonish by their denying the seriousness, but let not then your hearts become disturbed: I just prefer now to have my silence like my cupboard’s slap and the tea of that, where should that end again?

…and am I now a hawk or pigeon I don’t care, the trembling came when I did see those pigeons make their courtesies always in pairs….I, thank you, I set my bid on red this time…thank you, thank you, I cannot accept… is the answering we need and with you me I needed…

the pathway is narrow but like any road it has a start and too an ending spot…


nature versus culture: we keep both in one answers consenting

…angelic Aphrodite statuette – terracotta
– Hellenistic – 3th century B.C.


….as well I am paying due attention to what in general is understood like belonging to nature, as for me not all nature is just from the natural source, there has been a time I’ve been most occupied with objects of culture, as well I see it that way a culture is the answer on the gifts of the nature it dwells in, and I just collected the web pictures of art….like I am I want to show some of my collected items, not meaning anything else than adding to the pleasure and the interested eye of the public, and I have been amazed by the many possibilities the web offered to upload and show what I collected…and herewith in this post I give a link to a showcase of Photobucket which goes back as far as may this year I guess and what’s in it I don’t know….

..the golden leaves of fall I met when walking with my doggy…

…and what I conclude is any representation of art or nature or what’s otherwise visible or good for the ears, or like I did in video movies, is different from the definition of the object of reflection itself, having nature neither art or any else object a defined status to represent something or someone, but just stay in themselves till we discover them….

….this theme of thinking is important for me, like I’ve been taught representation is too a topic in a political landscape, a cultural setting of what we mean with when speaking about power, having just the power of someone again that aspect to stay in itself like a presence, rather than a represence, but poor me, I never understood much more of the difference between this two sides of the aspect being than the excerpted difference of the names for that….what I think now, it’s just a guessing, this is the point I make me sometimes so much worries for and others with me or about my person….still it is strange to have felt challenged to show up somehow somewhere different than in my own rooms and then still never having had the chance to do so in a satisfying answer….I must conclude I am just not meant for being the authority of representing someone or something but in its essential changing in these days: the screenway display of the image and the text being sufficient to the needed facts…and I must say I have been thinking much a lot about the subject…to make me keep my silence now…like I do the democratic approach I would say on this point: find out your way you all yourself….

Pablo Picasso – self portrait as young man

Nature (Photo credit: @Doug88888)


bereft, bequoted, been judged out, would that be truth?

Vincent van Gogh: Kirschbaum. Frühjahr 1888, Ö...

Vincent van Gogh: Kirschbaum. Frühjahr 1888, Öl auf Leinwand, 72,4 x 53,3 cm, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Ittleson Jr. Fund, 1956), New York (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

bereft, and nature answered

….though seemingly we are just weak in answer, not subjected to the matter of just someone bereft of all his work, we can admit the understanding against true thieves and rubbers nothing helps, but like this which happened to me still keeps the onlook of the mystery to my understanding and is innocent in its character like a bad children’s game, I have just like my justifying the way I am treated down to poor man’s state ’cause history had no different way for me to go….

and then…in the first place, though one would nearly think so, we don’t live on Staten Island New York City USA, and in the second place we cannot give the replay of the show Vincent van Gogh once did for a public I wouldn’t like to be now my concern like it would then have been yours too, and then, adherative, I didn’t show but still from recent date so much interest in society’s rules and regularities that I would be here to blame a good Lord’s answer in what He might have had in mind to be the way I went…so let me say, I care about you all by telling not so much of any detail in the post I had to keep, making my researches in the way like anybody can conceal just for himself: as a deliberate choice in a freedom far too much to wear, a follow-up of days of ancient kings and queens queuing for getting their result, like anybody knows the passed away are not too much esteemed for being clean….

the sea – thalassa, thalassa…

those are but dreams, my dear, but dreams….


Corinth (Photo credit: photographical evidence)


….it must be seeing now and then, having the looks of that, I can go through the operation desert storm for what me is concerned, leaving the desert of my heart’s endeavours to the storms of my mind’s consorts…and who keeps the taste of the good word, in fall this functions better than in summertime, will think did heaven open then its gates and sent him down?

…it is poor me who answers on your questioning, a demand the more, and say to it: yes, have that, I came once down to earth from heaven’s answer in a time also in doubt and am for such things as well gifted as my nature is, and only those that are the truly faithful can agree to follow me and leave me to this heaven’s well conveyed decide: the coming down we did just once, and make yourself then just at ease with us, that’s all we wish and will be all we ask for, wearing no crown than cloudy nightcap and having no different place than just among the many, concealed like you are from history’s understanding times to be we’ll need you in another answer….

….Korinthos – ruins of agora..

…was it then in Korinthos we did once meet on the agora…I see you are becoming now interested, like the fame of Korinthos just shows in these hard days’ conveyances….we know a lot about, but even with no wink of my right eye I could then ever let the public know who I have been in that place now a ruin….and we know a lot about…and understand you in the way you cannot understand yourself…it must be the market will be opened to better treatment of the ships I did see landing down in the harbour of this city state once been..and should I still ask for permissions to understand it all from that point we now are chosen to and you can find?

…and for what’s more as a matter of this facts like Greeks of that time told each other to stay aware of kings and queens, those kings and queens did tell each other to keep aware of Greeks… feel no fears I would submit to times seductions or a purse demeanour of no value…we do already see horizons shining in our time which we all could never have expected…

chaste tree flowering…Greece

…it’s just fun for all those telling to the other side of their moonshined accounts: we have something of him, I can answer you with kind heart’s attention to the serious question of a free function in the web concerns: I do have also something just of you, and may I tell you then I am still grateful having not any coin, not even a obool or drachm, just my own purse content of some fancy being of no esteem into my house’ discussions, just lets agree I will pull down resisting nature for the answer of democracy, but rather I do doubt this is democracy at word…and I highlight the screens of heaven’s deciding on no good no deed no consort, I may ask you

: just let me to put it all in a right order to the state’s demands, we’ve time for that, we got the understanding needed, and after all life’s no bad choice to be respected and for a good deed‘s job too waited for…the pleasure then will be for me, the question leaving you….

….something of those goddesses and deities I must complain about with a smile of no imitated onlook: they do have children, do keep family, do show the sense for a tradition, and the man in this my story disappeared for rowing banks of ships or open fields of hunting, will be happy if they dream about their left behind concerns and meet naiads, nymphs, Erymii and the like, and do escape their treacherous double signs in just another sense for what it means to be, a truly free state of no state concern, a republic without laws, a kingdom seeing no people to be reigned…man as for my opinion did not change so much in two times thousand years, it has been his world to make the change, and we, we can just set out for chasing to the mid of that, like anybody knows you never find.


seems writing a text is entering in a pit full of snails

Former residence of Cruquius mill's foreman, t...

Former residence of Cruquius mill’s foreman, today a café next to the museum. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Pisa – the church tower


…this site is about everything I need to make the public quieted and at ease with what is really happening of importance and interest, without challenging me for the headlines. The base fundamentals of my endeavours are to treat the forthcoming problems of a society in error to make a choice for the better side of the moonlandscape displayed like a trusted device of upcoming means and ends to reach the goals any society of serious bravura would put itself without the historically so often feelings of inimicity to who keeps a different answer. My means are the comparison of facts and the mentioning about what I observe to challenge my attention, if not I am sometimes hindered to feel free in that. And to approach the problem right at the horns of the bull: the answers for the questions of who to trust and what are deeply hidden in one’s just self’s make up of personality, be that a strong or a disabled one to the purposes society puts on its members. To reach the calling out of such a faithful acceptance to feel free in yourself I have been given the means of language for.


Pompeiian wall painting


…as a question of viewing rightly what’s the matter my text have been most of the time changed into their opposite and so ascribed to me, by other people than I know to belong to my world, which saved then the original of my hand to give that the predicate of being from their  authentication. Far from feeling in opposition towards developing customs to free this world from the chains of inappropriate answers in the terrains of text writing, editioning and redaction, I can just look over the till now reached with the methods in use to hide the author’s source and try to reshape my ideas in a matter I thought I had already left.


For me what’s teached and what’s taught and what’s just thought are no differences asking for road movie answers or detailed discussions. I take my opinions as for now like generalized, having my exemplary ideas around and farther away: the culture even of the Dutch Republic in 17th century in which my observations root have never been like the customs of unlikely good digesting offices of the kind only America‘s far west shows us till today. I cannot react on all and in all requests, so I actually gave my information to be shared by free will, and to be treated like collective property, not of the minorities, but for the authorities of greater social insight than only the well-being of their purse.


steam pumping engine building ‘Cruquius
Haarlemmermeer – Holland – ringvaartcanal


….in the time of constructioning the here showed building of steam engine pumping the construction of the engine has been the most modern in Europe, afterwards it would give way to such constructions all over the world, and it is not already long ago it stopped functioning for being replaced by engines more adapted to modern times  demands. The name of this building is after a sort of science worker in seventeenth century called Klaas Kruik, a name easily to change into Cruquius and the striving has never been fully accepted in the Dutch Republic to take over latin forms for names, so the choice has been rather unhappy for poor Klaas. And even so, sometimes the pseudonym or the translation brings with conflicts, problems and poverty to the man who is the victim of the misunderstanding your lawful name wouldn’t be satisfying. And so is man, always trying to climb over the walls of the known to reach the streets of the unknown city he actually lives in, and then thereafter he discovers he cannot find his way back home.


delphinium consolida – picture: Carol Nourse
Georgia Botanical Garden – Athens Ge.


…those are this pictures meaning to me, I seldom made the photograph myself but recently experimented a little with my camera, they show the way back out of the desert of a writer‘s ending his text too quickly, or exhaustively trying to write down everything he knows in the subject, both signs of a mind too tired to pick up normal concentration…and for the art of blogging people will say: who cannot, everybody’s doing so, but would they just quiet down their inactiveness to answer their world’s problems or would they have given true report the story never tells. And if anyone will be so interested in the text writing abilities of the experienced writer I am, it depends on what he tackles and not else. Being an important person is really meaning something else to me like what I do: I just inform my public which is free to decide for reading or not, and I hope to be amusing too. The vocation true writers bear with like their heritage I must for a pity leave aside within the context of this post.


guzmania – picture: Hugh Nourse
Georgia Botanical Garden – Athens Ge.


the change in sector seven meaning truth in sector ten

Maenad and two Satyrs

Maenad and two Satyrs (Photo credit: ForsterFoto)


Image  …it is my answer I am rather occupied with different things than all those you make worries in, and you, I give you after all, could take occasion to create just of the enterprise you exercised already for so many years a good time’s occupation of the like I have no time for, you know well….being it my destiny may be to have not any special tie nor aim, no reason to do anything but the good answers givin’ and to do what I do like the most: to formulate what you cannot, to give expression to the shows I’m in.


Meanwhile we can wait for any saying yes or no, we go on with our comprehensive catalogue of what we understood after a long time travel to the present of the day tonight, the coming back of what so true for any clerk of litterature, he writes alone, and has no shortage in his social life, together with my dog I will come home….


Image    its just good for any people to do sports, and like we understand the wage in temperate economy is in the back, the good being what we all know but seemingly I wouldn’t understand so well, it is dried up the well of Salmon, the well of Joseph and the pit of Sichem, and for upmost of my efforts it is to me but good…here we go again, we cry, and here I am will be, the so well understood system of a social life without complaints, will never end in sky’s onlookin’, the desert for a sturmy night, repeat of all what I did do in fowliedge and Bacchantic eye of evil, and we forget untill we have the truth and understand who moved us to this strange outlet of envied power not to see for ever any more….


….like we can trust our insight there is too the wisdom of man’s nature, too the wisdom of the gods, and to make for the match between them both will be too suddenly understood like challenging a Nobel prize he doesn’t want to get…..if you think I’ll ever make a peace you’re wrong, I distribute a swords design and antitanks in a papermoon bag of lavender with golden ribbons….the play is misfortunately harmless like the play of children, but miscalleneously serious for who joins the management of that love’s answerings…the details I will give when I have time…


….what’s more I cannot speak, tied like I am to thunderbird’s nails and chickenthief’s snail…with me just started something and I give it way, to be worked out in motivated answers….like you may understand: a pictures agent never is so talkative…I got my jobs again back from the battlefield of no one’s addict…

